Friday 29 June 2012

Metal gear solid 2: sons of liberty

Right guys, time for number 2 in the epic metal gear saga, as I explained before, I'm doing the metal gear solids first then going onto the metal gears, so don't be bitchin'

The game starts off well, with the first part of the story, the tanker. Which is a good storyline, really gets you back into metal gear and helps out with learning all the new moves and getting used to the game. My issue is its got to make its mind up, if it's apart of the game, then it's too short, but if it's purely to get you used to the game its too long, it's in that purgatory of length of gameplay time.

Then we kick off into the main game, the ocean station octagon thingy. I can never remember the official name. But in this you do not play as the epic solid snake, instead you play as the girly raiden, who may look like a woman, but can really kick some ass.

The storyline is epic, but strangely familiar, keep that in mind... But it's a great game and definitely in my top 10, but now comes to putting on the independent hat and, if you've not played the first game, the tanker saga can become confusing, and the controls are a bitch, the guards are retards and the ninjas and cool.

The good
It's an all round good game the storyline is EPIC, the characters are likable and the way it's carried on is done nicely, normally sequels go down like a pile of cat shit, but MGS2 really held its own

The bad
As I said if you haven't played the first then the tanker will confuse you slightly, plus throughout they make references to the first on, so just play the first one and you'll be right as rain. Another thing is the difficulty setting is very odd, on every difficulty par European extreme, the enemies are full blown retarded, but when your on european extreme, it's like every enemy has the sight of a hawk and the aim of dead shot (batman reference ) so it's completely out of whack, but I have got my independent hat on, so I'm just nitpicking

The rating
My personal judgement 10/10
Independent rating 9/10 so still a good score


Crysis 2

First Person Shooter.

The Good.

It's not what you think it's going to be. I thought another brainless halo knockoff but actually there are some really clever elements to this game. There is a lot of stealth involved and there are many options for completing missions which are presented through the visor either full out frontal assault(not recommended) or more stealthy thoughtful options. The AI is good as well making enemies interesting to take down. There are a variety of enemies as well from aliens to soldiers and they require different ways to take them down. There are a lot of weapons to keep things interesting and quite a good plot. The suit itself is great you can armour up for periods of time or turn invisible which is great fun.

The Bad

It takes a little while to get into I didn't realise the capacity for playing the game in different styles because the instructions aren't very explicit. It could do with more of a tutorial opener even though for some gamers it's painful.

As the levels progress the enemies get harder to kill but not really any smarter which can get frustrating.

The Rating.

If you want a futuristic shooter it's a good one. Will test your brain and your aim.


Monday 11 June 2012

Red Faction Guerilla

Third person/action. Sandbox.

The Good.

This is basically grand theft auto on mars. Unlock different zones for the terrorist group The Red Faction on the planet as you play carjack and kill people for the greater good. There are a variety of different weapons but you can't be separated from your hammer which you can use to smash buildings, people or anything that gets in your way. There are loads of different missions to do with plenty of variation. There is not story or long cut scenes to drive you mad. You can do what you like until you die when you are teleported to a home base with few consequences. There's even a mayhem counter that tots up damage costs for the enemy. The best bit: completely destructible maps and a gun that dissolves buildings.

The Bad.

The AI is very poor with helpers often standing in your way or getting themselves killed when you were supposed to be rescuing them. The computer enemies seem to know where you are all the time so it's hard to hide when you're damaged. The biggest problem though is the money system where you collect salvage by running around collecting it from the floor like sonic, which is a slow process you then use it to pay for your upgrades and weapons. This is normal practice in most games and fine but it's so hard to find you have to aimlessly wonder around for hours smashing stuff up to get it in the earlier levels, which can get a bit tedious, you will probably never buy all the weapons. The weapons don't hold much ammo which can be quite frustrating when you run out and the enemies have infinite supplies and always know where you are at which point you have to run to a red crate to refill a little bit, you can buy upgrade but it isn't much more and it's more wondering around in the desert blowing shit up for salvage which is fun to a point. Friends often have better weapons so you find yourself bludgeoning them to death for them because you A: can't afford them or B can't find them anywhere else.

The Rating.

Despite this massive negative section. This is a really fun and playable game but the greatest joy is destroying property and breaking into enemy bases to see how much damage you can get away with before escaping in a tank. This is worth a buy if you see it cheap but don't shell out loads for it! The more you play it though the more you'll like it.


Friday 8 June 2012

Metal Gear Solid

Yes, its time to review, (in my opinion) one of the best gaming series, next to assassins creed and resident evil. Im starting from the first metal gear SOLID, a lot of people who claim their a big fan, forget to realise  that it all started with Metal Gear, and metal gear 2: Solid Snake. Which were both released for the MSX2, which were both classic games, but I shall start with Metal Gear Solid because, simply put more people will want to play metal gear solid than metal gear. So...

It was released for the PS1, and it is a top game, the graphics are good (for the PS1) and the way they've combined story with gameplay is excellent.

It's an all round good game, as I say the story line is good, the way they've combined cut scenes with actual game play is done very nicely. If you like your storyline based games, it's one for you

The controls can be a bit hard to get used to, but of course in not picking because I can't think of anything bad about

It is one of my favourite games, but that may be because I've played the whole series, so in my complete opinion it's a 10/10 hands down, but for someone who's not played this game before, i would give it 8/10 purely because if you've never played the game before the story can leave you baffled

Wednesday 6 June 2012


No i can spell, thats just the name of this app for the Iphone, IPad, Ipod Touch. This is actually quite a good app, if you are into your music design, but even if your not technically minded when it comes to music making, its easy to use and gives you an excellent result, the way it works is you have 3 sections, a drum pad, a keyboard and a microphone, lets start with the drum pad. The drum pad can have different samples loaded to it, aswell as uploading your own, via microphone. Next we have the keyboard, where you can again upload your sesired sample and mess aroud with the pitch and what not. Finally we have the microphone, pretty standard, press record and magic happens.

The Good
It's a brilliant programme that you can potentially create some professional sounding music from the palm of your hand. Just look at the video that i have conveniently placed at the bottom of this post like a freaking technical genius

The Bad
Theres not much i can say thats bad about this one, but if i was to run through it with a fine nit comb. Then i like to play my apps while im travelling on a train and what not, but im afraid i shall not be breaking out into song randomly while on the 08:57 to manchester Piccadilly. plus becuase your wearing headphones even when your in your home getting into the zone, if you break out into song recording a masterpiece, your partner is only going to hear your bad singing, not the epic track you've created so be warned!

This is a top class app, but I feel the audience for this is rather little because you've got to have some musical bones in your body, and that doesn't mean dancing in your underwear to justin beiber with your dog rather confused in your direction



Portal 2

Portal 2, its not bad, its not particularly good, its... meh. yes the character wheatley, voiced by steven merchant, and the puzzles are actually puzzling and require someone with a higher IQ than a chicken to complete them, the game lacks that exciting edge that good video games have. its a bit to bitty in my eyes, its a case of section 1, story line, section 2, puzzles, section 3 storyline, section 4 puzzles, etc... they never really merge and it gets a bit boring after a while. Valve really needed to decide whether to make a storyline based game or a puzzle based game, not alternate between the two until the player gets so bored they shove the disc through the TV.

The Good
As i said earlier the puzzles can actually be fun and challenging, its a good game to play if your sick of all them shooters and horror games, and just want a brain tester. Also the co-op mode is an excellent add-on to this game, you ca really co-ordinate between each other how to complete the puzzle.

The Bad
The storyline is fucking dreadful, if they would of done what they did with portal and just added the co-op game, it could of got my game of the year, but sadly the storyline ruins it, and doesn't even flow nicely with the puzzles, they just shove the story in like a toddler playing with lego

The Rating
This is a good puzzle game if you base it off the co-op and not off the main game so i'm doing 2 ratings today.
Main game - 5/10
Co-op 9/10


Goldeneye. Nintendo 64.

1st person shooter.

You play Brosnan's Bond as he blasts his way through the missions of the film.

The Good.

This is the shooter that spawned so many games and for that reason it's a must have. But it's still a very playable, fun game. With a variety of weapons and varying missions.

The missions stay close to the story and the lack of a second joystick is compensated for with a decent but not overpowering auto aim.

There are also stealth elements to the missions which can be fun, or you can stuff that, set them off and see what body count you can rack up.

The Bad.

Very little on the bad front. Limited graphics are one but what more can you expect from N64? The multiplayer is a bit stilted but this isn't what this game's about.


It's a must have. Play it and you'll see the lineage to all modern shooters. It's fun easy and there's are more elements than you'd expect.
