Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Assassins Creed Series

Third person. Adventure.

The Good.

The game play is very smooth and the sandbox environment gets bigger and better with every game. I'd recommend playing through each game so you understand the plot, as it's quite confusing. But very cool(no spoilers). Each game gets more in depth allowing the game to be engaging in different ways each time so you can complete one after the other without getting burnout.

The character begins to become more customisable and there are plenty of weapons available in the later games. Though in brotherhood and revelations you often have to find objects to trade for the better weapons.

The Bad.

I have to say there isn't much bad apart from the wayward 3rd person camera. Sometimes during combat in tight spaces the camera has a mind of it's own going behind trees and other objects blocking combat from view leading to a severe loss of health (and temper) until you manage to regain control.

The first game features segments where you are let out of the animus which can often be a bit dull but necessary for the story. These cut scenes disappear in the sequels do don't worry.


I loved it. Addictive and massive the games get better every time but it's definitely worth playing them all for the full effect. There are so many elements I couldn't fit them in this review.


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