Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Battlefield 3

First person shooter.

The Good.

Battlefield is the shooter that COD wants to be. The graphics are lush and the gameplay is absolutely outstanding. The maps can be immense and slow, tight and fast or anything in between. With various game modes to keep you occupied and a kill cam designed to make it hard for campers you will not find yourself getting bored. There is also a online co-op available from which you can unlock more weapons. There are so many unlock ambles and variants available that you can spend hours trying to find the right combination. You can change classes mid game as well allowing you to constantly change how you play a game. You can even change your players camouflage. Which is a bit pointless but cool.

The online play is by far the best bit and the destructible terrain and cool vehicles just add to the mayhem.

The Bad.

It takes a long time to get any decent weapons and trust me everyone else has amazing weapons and will kill you at distance a lot before you get to their level.

The vehicles suffer from the same thing but once you have unlocked the good stuff you can destroy everyone else with ease. Watch out for planes I had to look up how to unlock anything for them and my flatmate is still better than me. They are exceptionally difficult to use at first but once you have worked it out using them is one of the best parts of the game.

The campaign is really, really easy with the occasional absolutely impossible section that will take a few goes to get through. But hey the real playable time is the online portion of the game.


It's a must buy for online shooters. The learning curve is massive but once you've got there you'll appreciate the gameplay.


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